
Whitten Kenaf

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Profit From The Sea Changes Ahead Through Sustainable Development and Economic Development Through Kenaf, sustainable development, renewable energy, ecojustice, environmental entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, Environmental Business, Sustainable Tourism, Export, and  Leucaena Effect Agroforestry  Skype to ecofarmer11. Tel

Profit From The Sea Changes Ahead Through Sustainable Development and Economic Development Through Kenaf, sustainable development, renewable energy, ecojustice, environmental entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, Environmental Business, Sustainable Tourism, Export, and Leucaena Effect Agroforestry Skype to ecofarmer11. Telephone 786-531-9292.

The FitoKenaf Community

Food For People, Livestock Feed, Fiber, Fabric, Paper, Biochar Organic Fertilizer & Carbon Sequestration

Kenaf For Entrepreneurship - Kenaf Make Excellent Food For People, Livestock Feed, Fiber, Fabric, Paper, Biochar Organic Fertilizer, Automobile Interiors, Building Materials & Carbon Sequestration

I Acre of Kenaf Sequesters As Much Carbon Dioxide As 8 Acres of Fast Growing Pine Trees

We will give you information you can present to your government to enter your project into the Clean Development Mechanism to get reimbursed for your environmental value
Remember - You save enough seeds to plant again and sell the seeds to us next season

The FitoKenaf Community

Kenaf is a plant that has the potential to change the world. It is a very old plant used by mankind. Throughout the Bible you read about sackcloth. Sackcloth is made from kenaf. Only royalty was allowed to wear linen or cotton. The poor grew kenaf, spun it and made their clothes from kenaf. They made ropes and cordage from kenaf.

Many people want to help the environment. Many people are trying to find ways to lower the greenhouse gases that are heating up our world. We worry about the Arctic ice melting and the loss of the polar bear. We are all concerned with the more and more violent weather patterns, the floods, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting. We don't want to see sea levels rise and inundate our coastal cities. But what can one person do?

The FitoKenaf Community is an idea that has been going around in my head for years since I started working with Kenaf in the 1990s. I asked myself how can I get many people involved with kenaf? How can I teach people the benefits of kenaf? What does kenaf have that could be of benefit to everyone? How can I get people to work together to share the positive factors about kenaf?

Some people have gotten involved with tree planting projects. Tree planting projects are great. They sequester quite a lot of carbon. The problem is, the people who are involved are operating in what I call an incomplete transaction. The people who have tree planting projects get the resources they need and you get the satisfaction of knowing you are doing something good but there is no return for you donation. My non profit organization, Soccer for Life has had several tree plantings with youth. We call it Soccer Action for A Green World. We donate soccer gear in exchange for them planting trees. That is a complete transaction.

What if there were a way to do something really good for the environment, something that sequesters more carbon than trees...and at the same time it offers you a payback? Yes, that's what I mean. A return on your investment. Sequester carbon, help the environment and earn money at the same time? There is a plant called kenaf that sequesters more carbon than any other species on the Earth. One acre of kenaf sequesters as much carbon as 8 acres of fast growing pine trees.

Kenaf Could Change the World If We All Got Involved In Planting It And Using It. Here's What Kenaf Can Do:

1. Sequester More Carbon Per Acre Than Any Other Plant

2. Be Food For Humans Anywhere In The World Where There Is Hunger

3. Make Excellent Feed For Livestock including Backyard Fish Ponds

4. The Stalks Can Be Used As Firewood

5. Make Biochar For Fertilizing The Earth Organically

6. Make Beautiful Cloth That Can Be Used For Clothing And Industrial Use

7. Make Biocomposites That Can Be Used For Car Interiors

8. Be Used To Generate Electricity

9. Make A Better Quality Paper Than Pine Trees And Be Ready For Use In 6 Months Instead Of Years

10. Have Seeds That Can Be Made Into Gluten Free Flour

11. Have Seeds That Can Be Made Into A Cosmetic Oil

12. Have Leaves That Make Excellent Potherbs

13. Can Be Cut Back Many Times And When It Regrows It Produces More Food Or Feed

14. Grows Faster Than Just About Any Plant

15. Does Not Use A Lot Of Water - It Grows In Somalia

16. BioChar Made From Kenaf Can Treat Human Wastes And Turn It Into Fertilizer

17. The Inner Core Is Excellent For Animal Bedding Without Dust

18. Many Kinds Of Building Materials Can Be Made From The Bast Fiber

19. The Inner Core Fiber Can Be Made Into A Filler For A Lightweight Cement Block

20. Extracted Kenaf seed oil can be used as a bio-fuel for Diesel engines

This plant could feed people in poor countries. This plant could sequester more carbon everywhere in the world. This plant could provide biological fertilizers. And the plant has so many uses.

The FitoKenaf Community wants to build an organization made up of people who want to see less hunger, more firewood, inexpensive homes for poor people in developing countries. The people we seek to connect with are probably doing something green in their lives. They would just like to find a way to make it profitable while being more Green. In other words, having a complete transaction.

The FitoKenaf Community is dedicated to planting kenaf and has already developed marketing vehicles for the kenaf fiber and other products. We are actively researching vegetable dyes, making kenaf fabric water repellent with environmentally sound materials. We have plans to make back packs, tote bags, and household items from kenaf. And we are already getting ready to develop our own kenaf handmade paper project in Honduras.

We have a market for all the kenaf we can grow this year. And we are actively SPW Ecojustice Centerting and building new markets. That is where you come in. We invite you to invest in your kenaf planting as a member of our community. You provide the funds for planting and harvesting the kenaf. We do all the work of planting, harvesting, and preparing it for market. When we sell the kenaf fiber and the seeds, we divide up the price we get. The work we do is the equivalent of the money you invest. Half goes to you, half goes to us. You get your investment back and depending on the amount you invested, you might get as high a return as 163%. Of course the more you invest, the more we can plant, harvest and sell, the more you will get back.

And Remember, You're Not Just Making An Investment. You Are Investing In Sequestering Carbon. You Are Investing In Developing Projects That Have A Worldwide Effect. Our Atmosphere is Global. Take Carbon Out of The Air in Belize By Planting Kenaf and You Lower Greenhouse Gases. Period.

What is a ton of CO2 sequestered by kenaf worth in terms of monetary value?

Monetary value of CO2 sequestration is measured in Certified Emission Reduction (CER) Credits under article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol. In most projects for sequestering CO2, this value is assumed to be $20 per metric ton.

Throughout the world in projects estimates of the value of CERs in a regulated marketplace range from $5 to $125 (Weyant, 2000). Not using the deviation in the value of CERs, we selected $20 per metric ton as the estimate for your net monetary value of carbon sequestering since $20 is used most commonly in the United States.

International climate change mitigation negotiations are moving forward and leading to the SPW Ecojustice Centertion of treaties, similar to the Kyoto Protocol, that enforce GHG emission reductions and allow for emissions trading as a mechanism for achieving these reductions for land use management for carbon sequestration to attain economic value.

What does this mean to you? It means your kenaf investment has more than one benefit.

Please notice at the lowest investment level, although the monetary return on your investment may be quite small, you are still sequestering carbon. At the Copper Level your investment still has Environmental value. Sequestering carbon is something we all need to do. And depending on how well we are at producing our kenaf, you could receive a 11% monetary return. Most opportunities for sequestering carbon offer no monetary return at any level

Member Type & Manzanas(mzs) Of Kenaf


Amount CO2
Sequestered in tons X $20 per ton for dollar value

Projected Low Yield Monetary Return for Investor

Projected Per cent Monetary Return on Investment

Projected High Yield Monetary Return For Investor

Projected Per cent Monetary Return on Investment

Diamond - 10 mzs


260 tons = $5200





Iridium - 5 mzs


130 tons = $2600





Sapphire - 4 - mzs


104 tons = $2080





Ruby 3 - mzs


78 tons = $1560





Emerald 2 - mzs


52 tons = $1040





Titanium 1 - mz


26 tons = $520





Platinum 1/2- mz


13 tons = $260





Electrum 1/4 - mz


6.5 tons = $130





Gold 1/8 - mz


3.2 tons = $64





Silver 1/16 - mz


1.6 tons = $32

- $50




Bronze 1/32 - mz


0.8 tons = $16

- $50




Copper 1/64 mz


0.4 tons = $8

- $35




ound Like A Win-Win Scenario? Invest Today and Start Sequestering Carbon with Kenaf. Join With Others In the FitoKenaf Community To Make a Difference to our planet and our lives. Not Only Will You Have Return on Investment, Pay on Your Carbon Debt, You Will Be Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship Programs in Arizona, Belize and Honduras.

How To Make Your Investment

Email us and let us know what type of membership you select to be in the FitoKenaf Community. Tell us what else you are doing for the environment. Then email us the information we need to put together your website. Please send us a photo if possible. Then send your investment by Western Union, Money Gram or Bank Transfer. Email Us How You Want To Invest And We'll give you the instructions for sending the money. And We'll Begin Right Away Preparing Your Benefits.

Membership Types - Benefits Depend On the Type of Membership - Go To Your Chosen Membership Type For A List of Benefits For That Level

Diamond Membership
Iridium Membership
Sapphire Membership
Ruby Membership
Emerald Membership
Titanium Membership
Platinum Membership
Electrum Membership
Gold Membership
Silver Membership
Bronze Membership
Copper Membership

Benefits range from kenaf fabric, certificates of carbon sequestration, membership in online social networking groups and many many more. Over 54 different benefits!

Item No.



Carbon Sequestration Certificate you can frame


Deed of Carbon Sequestration Suitable for Framing


Certificate of membership in the FitoKenaf Community


Your own webpage


Membership in the virtual nation of Arboleña. Certificate of membership and badge you can download to place on your kenaf community website, on your
personal or business website or in your blogs


Downloadable personalized membership card


Certificate of appreciation


Photographs and update on the kenaf project


Kenaf fact Sheets


Downloadable brochure on the community·


Opportunity to sponsor others in the community


Invitation to Visit Belize


Gifting Program Where You Give membership in the community as a gift to family or friends·


Kenaf investment eBook·


Kenaf eBook on business


EBooks on kenaf, environmental entrepreneurship, tropical food project profiles


Discount coupon on other products and services such as kenaf wall hanging, sacks suitable for framing


Discount on the Ecoparadise Belize kenaf tourism tour


Kenaf sack suitable for framing or wall hanging


Pass alongs


Downloadable Kenaf and Environmental Entrepreneurship Calendar


Discount on eBooks and kenaf services


Pellet press discounts, kenaf stoves, briquetting machinery


Dried kenaf for sale as give-away premiums


Join our LinkedIn Group


Kenaf Recipes


How to make kenaf flour


Volunteer Program To Help us build the kenaf community center in Belize


Corporation can receive Certified Carbon Sequester Business Certificate


Environmental Responsibility certification


Website badge based on your level of kenaf participation


Kenaf lesson plans


Community and school outreach program


PowerPoint presentation


kenaf eCards


Brochure with place for your name


Speeches to make in your local community


Steps To become a word of mouth ambassador


Downloadable gifts such as ready to print placemats, letterheads, note cards, postcards


1 yard kenaf fabric


Kenaf wall posters


Kenaf sacks suitable for framing


Kenaf wall banner


Kenaf photo placemats


Photo collage - your picture with kenaf pictures


Yahoo Group


Fundraising Program


Tell a Friend


Blog at your investment level


The kenaf experiences of your investment site


Videos to go onto your webpage


YouTube video


Sharing buttons for website


Kenaf photo paper folding projects


Guest of honor at FitoCarbon Century Conference

A. You sequester carbon and reduce the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to fight climate change
B. You have the potential to get a high return on your investment when the kenaf plantation you are in a joint venture with us is harvested. Remember when the kenaf products are made, the carbon is still sequestered.
C.. You also get an environmental return which can be calculated at $20 per ton to see what the real value of your project is.
Sometimes People Ask What CAN ONE PERSON DO? We say one person can do a whole lot. As a Kenaf Community Member You Will Get A Lot of Help and Support To Reach Out To Others In Your World With The Empowering Message of Kenaf. We are Developing A Youth Entrepreneurship Project in Belize and One in Honduras Using Kenaf As The Source of Production. If you want to be more involved, you are offered an opportunity to share in these activities with youth by serving as a virtual or on-site volunteer in these two projects. We Are Looking Forward To Involving You To Help Us Develop These Two Projects. The money for these projects will be funded by The FitoKenaf Community, Kenaf Plantation People Like You Who are Investing In growing Kenaf.

We want you to be an active member. We will support you. As a FitoKenaf Community Member we plan to keep in touch with you through the LInkedin group we are SPW Ecojustice Centerting. We will also invite you to join our Yahoo Group, Kenaf Profits as well. We are developing kenaf tourism in Belize. We invite you to participate in a Kenaf Tour. As a FitoKenaf Community Member You Will Receive a discount on the tour.

You see, you are at the center of your world. Everything that happens begins with one person. Look at the great movements of our time - each one began with one person deciding to change a situation they saw that was dehumanizing and depotentiating people in the world. Whether we look at Gandhi, at Martin Luther King, at Martin Luther, or Rachel Carson, it all started with one caring, committed person who took a stand and went public with their ideas of how they would like to see the world be instead of accepting the way it was.

We are not asking you to risk your life. We are only asking you to share with your world this FitoKenaf Community program. As a member you get a badge with a link to the FitoKenaf Community for your website. Depending on the level of your investment, you may get a web page. Everyone will receive a Certificate of Appreciation and a Deed of Carbon Sequestration Suitable for framing to hang in your office or home.

Some of you will think about sharing this program with your friends so they can know what you are doing. We all like to share the good things we find. Tell them what you are doing. Explain you have found a way to invest for a good return at the same time you invest in a green project. Be a Word-of-Mouth Ambassador for the program. You may want to send them to your webpage with your certificate of appreciation. or to our webpage for a description of the investment project. You are just sharing the way you have found to help the environment at the same time you invest in kenaf. It's as simple as that.

We'll provide support. You'll be able to download lots of information updates on your plantation with photos and growth changes. We'll even put up a photo album on your webpage.

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